Monday, October 22, 2012

Prompt #2

Ch 23 Prompt #2

If cells were taken from a family member of mine without consent I would be very angry. I feel that they need to ask and tell you everything they plan to use it for. Being left in the dark would leave me upset knowing that I could have possibly had a say in what was done. I also feel that I would need to receive some sort of compensation for what my family brought to the world. If I allowed them to use a family member's cells, they should be thankful for that and show that in some way. Whether it was through money or naming a hall in the hospital after the family name, I would expect some sort of recognition for allowing scientist the chance to use the cells for profit.

1 comment:

  1. I too would be upset if cells were taken from one of my family members. Some kind of recongnition compensationand should be given due to the actions taken by the scientists.
