Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Research Paper Source

This link is apart of the University of Washington. The link has multiple side links to go to subtopics about bioethics. I feel this website will be a good source during my research paper for either quotes or even just learning more about a certain subject in bioethics. The facts are reliable and goes into great detail to teach you a lot about bioethics.


  1. From the website it is on it looks credible. I like how there are links to multiple bioethics topics and it helped me to come up with more ideas for my own research paper.

  2. This website looks very credible and I like how it is organized. You can easily look at all of the subtopics and clearly see which one you would need to find the information you are looking for. I think if this website works for the topic you end up picking, it will be a lot of help to you.
