Sunday, September 23, 2012

Rhetorical Analysis Outline

Outline for Multimodal Rhetorical Analysis  


A.    A debate brought up countless times in the science community is whether or not people should pursue cloning humans.

B.    Writer takes the stance that we should not be trying to clone other humans

C.     Through ethos, pathos and logos the writer tries to persuade the audience that human cloning is not a good idea for society as a whole.

II.First main point (Ethos)

A.    Dr. Patrick Dixon is an author and business consultant often described as a futurist

B.     In 2005 he was ranked as one of the 20 most influential business thinkers alive according to the Thinkers 50.

C.     He is Chairman of the trends forecasting company Global Change Ltd, founder of the international AIDS agency, and Chairman of the ACET International Alliance.

III.Second main point (Pathos)

A.    Emotions are used to show what problems can arise to loved ones and other people.

B.    People wouldn’t be able to live their lives the same knowing about someone being a clone of someone.

C.     Risk in technology (talks about what if Hitler had this technology)

D.    Text is very conversational, easy to read

IV.Third main point (Logos)

A.    Facts about birth deformities in animal clones

B.    Low birth rate for clones and short life span

C.     Video is facts about cloning

D.    Dolly the sheep is brought up for support in his argument

E.     Talks about how biotech is growing and there will soon be other ways to medical advancement other than cloning.

F.     Comments section has some strong counter arguments.

V.Fourth main point (The Webpage)

A.    A lot of ads along the sides

B.    Video to go along with the article

C.     Links to related articles

D.    Comments section


A.    Author uses mostly logos, but also throws in some pathos and ethos to try and persuade the audience

B.    Cloning will be an ongoing ethical debate, and this writer tried to persuade against it.

C.     Some distraction in the Facebook and twitter feed. Other links are helpful to find out more on the topic of cloning. Video is a helpful tool to get a better understanding of cloning. 


  1. Tyler, this is a great outline that has a lot of potential for an awesome essay! The fact that you already have your introduction and conclusion all mapped out will make the process of writing your paper a lot easier. Also, you have a lot of detail in your main points which will help a ton as well. Nice work!

  2. Tyler, It appears that you already have everything mapped out very well! Your on your way to a great paper! I like that fact that you have a lot of detail, that tells me that you already know pretty much what your gonna write; which in turn will help you write the paper quickly with less problems. Great Job!

  3. Tyler, your outline is solid. looks like you had a little trouble transferring it to your blog otherwise very nice. I liked how descriptive you were with your sub topics, which willmake the writing process easier. once again good job!
