Monday, November 12, 2012

Preliminary List of Sources

Tyler King

Tentative Sources - basic website about cloning. Provides background information on how cloning works. I will be able to use this website to get background on cloning.

"What Is Cloning?" University of Utah, n.d. Web. <>. - This will provide me with more information about cloning and how it has grown over time. There are pictures that create a good representation of what cloning looks like.

"Human Cloning and Genetic Modification." Human Cloning and Genetic Modification. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2012. <>.

Hyun, Insoo, and Kyu Won Jung. "Human research cloning, embryos, and embryo-like artifacts." The Hastings Center Report Sept.-Oct. 2006: 34+. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 11 Nov. 2012 - This article is directly relenvent to Henreitta Lacks and how her cells impacted science and cloning. There is a lot of good facts about her cells and how they have been used in science.

"Institute of Biological Engineering » The Tremendous Impact of Henrietta Lacks on Biomedicine." Institute of Biological Engineering » The Tremendous Impact of Henrietta Lacks on Biomedicine. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2012. <>. - This journal is about the debate behind Human Cloning. Human cloning is a big controversy around the world right now and can relate back to HeLa cells and their impact on the human genome project.

Mahowald, Mary. "Project MUSE - The Human Cloning Debate (review)." Project MUSE - The Human Cloning Debate (review). N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2012. <>.

Welcome Freshman, DNA Swabs Please...

The article relates well with Henretita Lacks in the since that it is about informed consent for medical review. The article talks about how students will be able to send in dna swabs to be genetically analyzed for a number of different things. I think this is a cool idea, and would be interesting to know those certain things about myself from a dna swab. It is an argumentative paper, that is trying to persuade people against these types of things.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Research Paper Proposal

For my research paper I will be doing the subject of cloning. I chose this topic because it is a very controversial topic in science right now and it can be connected back to HeLa cells and Henrietta Lacks. Cloning is a broad topic with a lot of sub topics that can be argued for or against. My subtopics will include: How cloning has evolved since Henrietta's time, how cloning can be beneficial, and how HeLa cells have been apart of science and cloning specifically. A tentative thesis would be: "HeLa cells have been a huge part in science and contribution into the field of cloning and how cloning can help the people of today."

Confronting a Fetal Abnormality

This article was very sad, but I feel that what the doctor did was right. I don't think it should be up to anyone other than the mother to know what is going on inside her own body. She should be told of everything and nothing should be hidden from her. What the doctor did was right, and unfortunately the baby was not developing correctly. To me, the mother should always be the first to know what is happening, and then the father can be told.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Research Paper Source

This link is apart of the University of Washington. The link has multiple side links to go to subtopics about bioethics. I feel this website will be a good source during my research paper for either quotes or even just learning more about a certain subject in bioethics. The facts are reliable and goes into great detail to teach you a lot about bioethics.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Prompt #2

Ch 23 Prompt #2

If cells were taken from a family member of mine without consent I would be very angry. I feel that they need to ask and tell you everything they plan to use it for. Being left in the dark would leave me upset knowing that I could have possibly had a say in what was done. I also feel that I would need to receive some sort of compensation for what my family brought to the world. If I allowed them to use a family member's cells, they should be thankful for that and show that in some way. Whether it was through money or naming a hall in the hospital after the family name, I would expect some sort of recognition for allowing scientist the chance to use the cells for profit.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Rhetorical Analysis Outline

Outline for Multimodal Rhetorical Analysis  


A.    A debate brought up countless times in the science community is whether or not people should pursue cloning humans.

B.    Writer takes the stance that we should not be trying to clone other humans

C.     Through ethos, pathos and logos the writer tries to persuade the audience that human cloning is not a good idea for society as a whole.

II.First main point (Ethos)

A.    Dr. Patrick Dixon is an author and business consultant often described as a futurist

B.     In 2005 he was ranked as one of the 20 most influential business thinkers alive according to the Thinkers 50.

C.     He is Chairman of the trends forecasting company Global Change Ltd, founder of the international AIDS agency, and Chairman of the ACET International Alliance.

III.Second main point (Pathos)

A.    Emotions are used to show what problems can arise to loved ones and other people.

B.    People wouldn’t be able to live their lives the same knowing about someone being a clone of someone.

C.     Risk in technology (talks about what if Hitler had this technology)

D.    Text is very conversational, easy to read

IV.Third main point (Logos)

A.    Facts about birth deformities in animal clones

B.    Low birth rate for clones and short life span

C.     Video is facts about cloning

D.    Dolly the sheep is brought up for support in his argument

E.     Talks about how biotech is growing and there will soon be other ways to medical advancement other than cloning.

F.     Comments section has some strong counter arguments.

V.Fourth main point (The Webpage)

A.    A lot of ads along the sides

B.    Video to go along with the article

C.     Links to related articles

D.    Comments section


A.    Author uses mostly logos, but also throws in some pathos and ethos to try and persuade the audience

B.    Cloning will be an ongoing ethical debate, and this writer tried to persuade against it.

C.     Some distraction in the Facebook and twitter feed. Other links are helpful to find out more on the topic of cloning. Video is a helpful tool to get a better understanding of cloning. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Electronic Lit Narrative

Tyler King     
ENGL 191-17
September 7, 2012
My New Laptop
The day my laptop came in the mail, the world of technology opened right before me. I was walking home from school, and once I reached my doorstep I saw the FedEx box sitting there waiting for me. I frantically picked up the box, ran inside and grabbed a pair of scissors. It was the day I had been waiting all month for. I sliced through the tape on the box and pried open the top. Once I had the box open, I opened the laptop and clicked on the power. I got to the set up screen and set it all up and was ready to explore the world of the Internet. Once I got through all the start up and configuration for the laptop, the first thing I did was get onto the Internet. I searched “NHL”. From that point on I would look up trade rumors or anything else that was going on in the National Hockey League. I was very excited that I could now find out more than I could ever want to know about anything just by searching in Google. I could look up anything you could possibly imagine and in a matter or seconds I could pull up millions of websites that would tell you about what you searched. It was a life changing experience. Not only could I use my laptop for the Internet but also start up an email account, Facebook page, and type papers for school. The laptop opened up the world of technology for me. From that point, I would grow to love computers and the technology behind them.
My laptop really influenced my development in literacy through the internet and applications such as Microsoft word. I would be on the internet everyday reading different articles for school or just for leisure, and I feel that doing that helped my reading skills tremendously. Without the computer I feel that I may have had a tougher time exploring different kinds of literature. I was able to read all kinds of works and really learn about what kinds I liked to read. With my laptop I also was able to type my papers for school. Microsoft word really helped me become a better writer with the different tools that are there to help with having correct grammar and no spelling errors. This was very useful to me, because I have never been very strong at spelling. So, with Microsoft word I could take out many of my spelling mistakes with the grammar and spelling tools built into it. Another part of my laptop that helped me with my literacy was the Internet. I could search for help for my writings and almost every time I could find a site that is able to help write a strong paper.
Not only can the computer be used to keep up with friends or do homework for school, but one of my favorite things that I can do with my computer is play video games. I have always enjoyed being able to sit down, relax, and enjoy a good video game. I prefer strategy games, because I like to think and plan ahead to what I want my next move to be. The first game I remember playing on my laptop was called “civilization”. It was a game based off of old civilizations and you could pick one to try and lead through history. For example, you could pick ancient Rome, and through the game you wanted to grow and develop your civilization and eventually take over the world. There were many different approaches you could take. You could try through war and domination or you could become friendly to neighboring civilizations and together take over all technology and eventually be the only civilizations that are able to continue to grow and prosper. This game was really exciting to me, because I loved the idea that you had to choose a path for your civilization to try and live by. If you failed, then other civilizations would take you over and you would lose the game. It was a long game and took lots or thinking and decision-making. Over time I became very good and was able to take over the world. It took me a while to learn and develop a strategy, but the whole time I was having fun on my laptop.
My first experience with technology was through my laptop. From my laptop, I began to learn a lot more about technology in my laptop and everything else. My laptop has been a great tool for me to keep in touch with family, get help with homework assignments, and play some games in my leisure time. Without my laptop I would not have learned as much about all the technology and would not be as good with it either. I feel my experience with computers has grown from owning my own and being able to experiment and learn through trail and error. I know as time goes on, I continue to use my laptop daily for the internet, Microsoft word, or even some video games. The more I continue to use it, the more I learn about it and other technologies around me. As I continue to learn about all the technology that is growing around me, I am able to learn about anything and everything else also. Technology, particularly the Internet, is a great tool to help you learn and grow as a person. Keeping up with the news is sometimes hard as a student, but with the Internet you can easily go to the news website and read articles about everything that is happening around the world. You can even go back and look at what has happened in the past and learn from whatever you find on the Internet. My laptop has become such a great tool in helping me learn to use and navigate all kinds of technology, as well as learning about school subject or current events.