Monday, November 12, 2012

Preliminary List of Sources

Tyler King

Tentative Sources - basic website about cloning. Provides background information on how cloning works. I will be able to use this website to get background on cloning.

"What Is Cloning?" University of Utah, n.d. Web. <>. - This will provide me with more information about cloning and how it has grown over time. There are pictures that create a good representation of what cloning looks like.

"Human Cloning and Genetic Modification." Human Cloning and Genetic Modification. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2012. <>.

Hyun, Insoo, and Kyu Won Jung. "Human research cloning, embryos, and embryo-like artifacts." The Hastings Center Report Sept.-Oct. 2006: 34+. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 11 Nov. 2012 - This article is directly relenvent to Henreitta Lacks and how her cells impacted science and cloning. There is a lot of good facts about her cells and how they have been used in science.

"Institute of Biological Engineering » The Tremendous Impact of Henrietta Lacks on Biomedicine." Institute of Biological Engineering » The Tremendous Impact of Henrietta Lacks on Biomedicine. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2012. <>. - This journal is about the debate behind Human Cloning. Human cloning is a big controversy around the world right now and can relate back to HeLa cells and their impact on the human genome project.

Mahowald, Mary. "Project MUSE - The Human Cloning Debate (review)." Project MUSE - The Human Cloning Debate (review). N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2012. <>.

Welcome Freshman, DNA Swabs Please...

The article relates well with Henretita Lacks in the since that it is about informed consent for medical review. The article talks about how students will be able to send in dna swabs to be genetically analyzed for a number of different things. I think this is a cool idea, and would be interesting to know those certain things about myself from a dna swab. It is an argumentative paper, that is trying to persuade people against these types of things.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Research Paper Proposal

For my research paper I will be doing the subject of cloning. I chose this topic because it is a very controversial topic in science right now and it can be connected back to HeLa cells and Henrietta Lacks. Cloning is a broad topic with a lot of sub topics that can be argued for or against. My subtopics will include: How cloning has evolved since Henrietta's time, how cloning can be beneficial, and how HeLa cells have been apart of science and cloning specifically. A tentative thesis would be: "HeLa cells have been a huge part in science and contribution into the field of cloning and how cloning can help the people of today."

Confronting a Fetal Abnormality

This article was very sad, but I feel that what the doctor did was right. I don't think it should be up to anyone other than the mother to know what is going on inside her own body. She should be told of everything and nothing should be hidden from her. What the doctor did was right, and unfortunately the baby was not developing correctly. To me, the mother should always be the first to know what is happening, and then the father can be told.